Top contributors Death Is Lung Cancer And Cervical

PROF Dr dr Sutaryo SpA (K), an expert in cancers of the General Hospital Center (Dr) Dr Sardjito Yogyakarta reveal, in her observations, cancer can cause many different symptoms, depending on the location and character of the malignancy, and the presence or absence of mentastasis. Diagnosis usually requires the microscopic examination of tissue obtained by biopsy.
"Once diagnosed, treatment is usually with a treated cancer surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation. However, not all cancer treatment should be by an act of surgery, depending on the type of cancer and illness case rate, "said the lecturer at the Faculty is currently talking with the sovereignty of the people on the sidelines of the 35th anniversary of the Indonesian Cancer Foundation (ICF) recently DIY
In adult males the most common cancers are prostate cancer, lung cancer, cancer of the colon and rectum, and bladder cancer.
As a cause of death, lung cancer is most common, followed by prostate cancer, colon and rectum cancer, pancreatic cancer and leukemia.
In adult women, breast cancer is the most common of all cancer cases, followed by cervical cancer and endometrial cancer.
Based on the case of his death, cervical cancer is the most common a cause of death, followed breast cancer and ovarian cancer.
Cases of blood cancer or leukemia in children at this time is also an increase. It caused a lot of factors, ranging from an unhealthy lifestyle, poor quality of the environment, due to exposure to hazardous chemicals, said Prof. Sutaryo.
According to Indonesia's, cancer became the third largest contributor of death after heart disease. Causes of cancer in the country caused an unhealthy lifestyle such as lack of exercise, smoking, and unhealthy diet.
Cancer is a disease of 90-90% in many cases caused by environmental factors and 5-10% due to genetics. Environmental factors that usually lead to cancer deaths are due to infection, radiation, stress and environmental pollutants. "He explained
Admittedly, the number of cancer patients in Indonesia is not yet in the know with certainty. However demikain, in pengamatanya for duty at the hospital, of cancer cases increased from year to year.
In fact, cancer patients not only adults but are simply reaching out to children.
The success of treatment is determined by the type of cancer, stage of cancer when the state is found, the general state of the patient in an attempt to recover.
Therefore, early detection and education about the dangers of cancer should stimulate, "said prof Sutaryo.

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