Regret ...
Sadness ...
O soul of stranded ...
On the island itself in the abyss of foreign and disobedience
Stand and gaze the sky
Look to the right and left
What you have achieved
Have not you had received his blessing millions of free oxygen
Light and solar heat for free
Water continues to radiate from the bowels of the earth
Without the need to exchange with you any money as well
Sit and ponder
What you have been doing
Charity with sincere or just looking for compliments
Praise and fame of the man in their midst
Do you ever count
How many times have you fallen into immoral
Consciously or do you think is the case
ordinary and trivial, yet many people who also do
Most holy God!
Al Quran is on top of your desk
Religious books piled all around
Rhythm of the voices of the reciter 'always sounds on the right and left
You still did not budge
With black spots on the bottom of your heart
Mines it would be immoral membinasakanmu
Be aware, what are you waiting
Do you wait for the angel of death
Pick up and force you
Or are you already feel worthy of heaven
Vice like an addict
Brother, roll up your sleeve
Look at the future
Expect to favor Ar Rahman
Let us re-submit to Him
As long as the door of repentance is still open and calling
We are full of wrong and sin
Messenger of course, being the noblest
Beristighfar 100 times a day to Him
So who are we
When compared to a human
The most glorious in the universe
As he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam
Will we repent-delay delay
No, because the more you delay
Then regrets it will turn into a disaster
Double torment in hell
Until the ungodly said
Duhai, if I had just
a piece of land alone
- Expect A Servant of His Forgiveness
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