The Extent of Mercy of Allah SWT

What we enjoy in this life, favor health, able to work and generate income for us and enjoyed by families, as well as various other kinds of pleasure is not merely because we are, but because of the outpouring of blessings that Allah gave to His servant in advance this earth. Therefore, it is proper people are always running away from the commands of Allah and His prohibition, devout in worship. Because that's the way to always get the outpouring of the grace of Allah SWT.
Allah's Apostle once said of Abu Hurayrah who said: "Grace of God there are a hundred pieces, then arrested him on a ninety-nine and deposited in the earth one part, then with one part of each being filial to his feet for fear the horse has stepping on her son. "(Narrated by Muslim)

 Spread the grace of Allah on this earth only amounted to one, think it was more than enough for all creatures on earth, it will not run out. Rasulullah SAW said: "Verily, Allah have mercy hundred, down to earth just a blessing to the world's population, it is sufficient to run out their death and God's grace it will revoke the one on the last day to fill up at a ninety-nine to present to the trustees and expert obey Him. "(Narrated by Muslim).

From Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu'anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "When God created all creatures, God wrote in His Book, a book in his hand over the Throne, whose contents are: Verily my mercy beat my wrath. "(Narrated by Bukhari [3194] and Muslim [2751])

Of Umar ibn al-Khattab radhiyallahu'anhu, he said: Rasulullahshallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam arrival of the group of prisoners of war. In the middle of the group that there is a mother who was looking for her baby. When he managed to find her baby among the prisoners that he held her close to him and feed him. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said to us, "Do you think this mother would have the heart to throw her child into the flames". We replied, "No way, for the sake of Allah. While he was able to prevent the baby was thrown into it. "Then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said," Truly God is more dear to His servants than a mother to her child. "(Narrated by Bukhari [5999] and Muslim [2754] )
From Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu'anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "If a believer knows if any form of punishment is in God's hand would be no one who was eager to get his heaven. And that if an unbeliever know that there is any grace in the sight of Allah there would be no one despair to reach his paradise. "(Narrated by Bukhari [6469] and Muslim [2755])
There is a history that someone has killed as many as ninety-nine people. Then he went to a priest and told him that he had killed as many as ninety-nine and inquired how he was able to repent. But the answer from this minister did not satisfy him. The priest replied that there is no repentance for him because the door had a lot of killing innocent people. Hear the minister answer that, then he stood up and kill the priests. Fulfilled a hundred people have been killed.
Then he went to one of his scholars, he tells them that had killed one hundred people, whether the door of repentance is still open for him? These scholars then gave instructions for him to go to a village called Bushro, because residents in the village was always doing good deeds. These scholars say go there and follow the good deeds done in the village's population, do not hesitate to repent ye shall receive. With capital spirit of repentance, he went to the village suggested by these scholars. However, before reaching the village, on the way death came to him. Then came two angels, one angel is an angel of mercy and punishment. Both of these angels disagree about the person's position. Angel of Mercy said, "He came to repent, to come to his heart to God. 'Angel of doom saying,' He has not done any good. "Then the angel who came to their human form, and making judges among them. He said, 'measure between the two villages, where he was much closer, and he for her.' Then they measure it and get that person closer to the targeted villages. Then the angel of mercy pick it up.
Extent of the grace of Allah Almighty really prepared for the creatures of the earth, especially to humans. Live if we appreciate the extent of Allah's mercy or not. Allah says: "Say,'' O My servants who exceeded the limits of their own, do not despair of Allah's mercy. Verily, Allah forgives all sins. Verily He is the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. "(Surah Az-Zumar: 53).
Allah forgives all sins of His servants with a strong desire, the intention is sincere, and earnest to repent, not to Allah SWT for the others.
There is also a history of a man who actively worship fervently. This he did until his death. Then the man demanded to worship Allah during the solemnities of children in the world. However, it turns back is hell. The expert was astonished solemn worship, why return to hell, then what did he do worship fervently?
Apparently this man for life in the world always makes people despair of the mercy of Allah SWT is very broad. In the world you always get people to despair of my affection, so today I'm also desperate to make you love me, God answered.

What was done by him contrary to what Allah has revealed in His Word above His servants are expected to not despair of His mercy. But why would any servant of His servants who dare to make another despairing of his grace. Should have the grace of Allah Almighty revealed a broad, not narrow and even seemed to nullify the grace of Allah SWT vast.
 From Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu'anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "There was a man who has never made a single good he is, he sends to his children,' If he had died then burn his body, then scatter half of his ashes on the ground and the other half in the oceans. By God, if God can resurrect Allah will torment him with the punishment that has not been given to any one of these human beings. 'When the man died of his children to do what he order it to them. Later, God commanded the land to collect his ashes scattered there, and Allah commanded the sea to collect his ashes scattered there, then God asked him, 'Why are you doing this?'. He replied, 'For fear of Thee O Lord. While You are All knowing. 'So Allah forgive him. "(Narrated by Bukhari [3481] and Muslim [2756])

DariAbuMusa radhiyallahu'anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Verily, Allah' azza wa jalla spread his hands in the evening to receive the repenting sinner in the day, and God spread his hands during the day to accept the repentance sinner in the evening, until the time of the sinking sun. "(Narrated by Muslim, [2759])

From Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu'anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Surely God is jealous, and a believer too jealous. God will be jealous when a believer to do things which are forbidden to him. "(Narrated by Bukhari [5222] and Muslim [2761])

My brother ... if God's grace so wide, so let us not despair of reach. However, it does not mean we should feel safe from the torment of his ... Because no one feels safe from the torment of Allah except the people who lost .
Salam Ahmad Yaa brotherhood of Habiby

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