Alpha 5 Benefits of Prostration Prayer Time

Benefits of Prostration in Prayer 5 dr Time .. Did you know?

Prostration involves five members of the body is resting on the earth, namely the forehead, nose, both palms, knees, and both ends of the legs (jari2 feet). Prostration are humble, praising الله سبحانه وتعالى and ask all sorts of KPD pleaded الله سبحانه وتعالى .. At the same time, eroding the nature of pride, fun, arrogant, etc.. Dr Fidelma O'Leary, PhD Neuroscience from St. Edward's University, has become a convert, krn find facts about the health benefits of prostrations. In his study found no bbrp nerves in the human brain within the blood and ill-enter this new veins may enter the blood in human sa'at prostration. But it only takes nerves of blood to a particular time. Namely, the waktu2 prayer which has been established (at dawn, midday, Asr, Maghrib, 'Isha).
hopefully not make the burden of prayer for our full expectation of his blessing!

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