Praise and Thank God we pray to Allah SWT for the Lord of hosts, and hopefully always Shalawat poured and greetings to our Kabi Muhammad, his family, his Companions, and those who always stand by his teachings perpegang until Judgment.
Perhaps now more crowded, bustling people talking about the hadith which says that there is riot and loud in the middle of Ramadan 2012. panic which will occur later in the human race .. if it will happen .. And Allaah knows best .. only God knows.
Of Nu'aim bin Hammad narrated by sanadnya that Prophet SAW said:
When the voice has emerged in the month of Ramadan, there will be riots in itul ... ". We asked:" Sound is, O Messenger of Allah? "He replied:" Loud noise in the middle of Ramadan, on Friday night, a loud noise will wake up sleeping people, making people stand sat down, the girls came out of pingitannya, on Friday night in the occurrence of many earthquakes. If you have carried out the dawn prayer on Friday, you go into your house, shut its doors, sumbatlah holes, and selimutilah yourself, sumbatlah ears. If you feel a booming sound, then you prostrate to Allah and say: "Al-Quddus Glory, Glory to Al-Quddus, our Rabb Al-Quddus", kerana anyone doing that would be saved, but whoever did it will perish ". (Al Hadith). (From @ Nizar and others)
Wa 'Alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Salam Barakatuh.
Bismillah wal wash hamdulillah Shalatu was Salamu 'Ala Rasulillah wa' Ala Aalihi Ashhabihi wa wa Man waalah, wa ba'd:
There are several questioner who asked the same thing to us, and he said this hadith is busy circulating FB discussed and some forums on the internet.
Immediately, ......., the following is the text of the hadith Arab asked:
عن ابن مسعود قال قال رسول الله: - صلى الله عليه وسلم - إذا كانت صيحة فى رمضان فإنه يكون معمعة فى شوال وتمييز القبائل فى ذى القعدة وتسفك الدماء فى ذى الحجة والمحرم وما المحرم يقولها ثلاث مرات هيهات هيهات يقتل الناس فيه هرجا هرجا قلنا وما الصيحة يا رسول الله قال هدة فى النصف من رمضان ليلة الجمعة فتكون هدة توقظ النائم وتقعد القائم وتخرج العواتق من خدورهن فى ليلة جمعة فى سنة كثيرة الزلازل والبرد فإذا وافق شهر رمضان فى تلك السنة ليلة الجمعة فإذا صليتم الفجر من يوم الجمعة فى النصف من رمضان فادخلوا بيوتكم وأغلقوا أبوابكم وسدوا كواكم ودثروا أنفسكم وسدوا آذانكم فإذا أحسستم بالصيحة فخروا لله سجدا وقولوا سبحان القدوس سبحان القدوس ربنا القدوس فإنه من فعل ذلك نجا ومن لم يفعل هلك
This hadith contained in the book Al Fitan, work Nu'aim bin Hammad, Juz. 1, p. 228, No.. 638. Also the book Kanzul 'Ummal, works of Imam Alauddin Al Al Hindi No Muttaqi. 39 627.
Sanad is the following hadith, said Nu'aim bin Hammad:
حدثنا أبو عمر عن ابن لهيعة قال: حدثني عبد الوهاب بن حسين عن محمد بن ثابت البناني عن أبيه عن الحارث الهمداني عن ابن مسعود, رضي الله عنه عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال
Abu Umar said to us, from Ibn Luhai'ah, she said: said to Husayn ibn Abdul Wahhab, from Muhammad bin Thabit Al Bunani, from his father, from Al Haarits Al Hamdani, from Ibn Mas'ud radhiallahu 'anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam: ... (Then referred to above hadith)
This hadith has many defects, which in all its narrators, except Ibn Mas'ud Radhiallalhu 'Anhu:
A. Nu'aim bin Hammad
He included a priest, she who compiled the book of Al Fitan own, but the priests hadith has been sharply criticized. He and the book of Al Fitan, Imam Adh Dzahabi said:
لا يجوز لاحد أن يحتج به, وقد صنف كتاب "الفتن" فأتى فيه بعجائب ومناكير.
"No one was allowed to berhujjah him, and he has compiled a book of Al Fitan, in which there are many peculiarities and munkar." (As Siyar A'lamin Nubala, 10/609)
An Imam Nasa'i said: "He's a very weak (da'eef)." Imam Al Azdi said: "He was among those who forge Hadith to defend the traditions." Imam Al-'Abbas ibn Mus'ab said in his Tarikh: "He sebah falsified books to refute the Jahmiyah. "Therefore, Imam Adh Dzahabi say about him:" One of the priests of the world, who have a weakness in the hadith. "(See all the Mizanul I'tidal, 4/267-269)
There are judged honest and reliable, such as Imam Yahya bin Ma'in, Imam Ahmad and Imam Al 'Ijli, and Imam al-Bukhari hadith ever take from him. (Ibid) But in another book of Imam Ibn Ma'in never criticize.
In Siyar As mentioned by Imam Adh Dzahabi, according to Imam Al-'Abbas ibn Hammad ibn Mus'ab that Nu'aim had falsified a book to refute Imam Abu Hanifah and Muhammad ibn al-Hasan, and forging 13 books to refute Jahmiyah group.
Salih Al Jazarah and Az Zuhri said, Nu'aim bin Hammad is one that has many hadiths that evil can not be followed. Imam Yahya bin Ma'in asked about bin Hammad Nu'aim hadith, he replied: "hadith is nothing (that should not be considered, pen)."
Hammad Ibn Ad Daulabi said: "Nu'aim bin Hammad da'eef." Syu'aib bin Ahmad, Ibn Hammad, and the other said: "He forged hadiths in defense of the Sunna, and fabricate tales about fitnahnya clerics Abu Hanifah, everything is a lie. "An Imam Nasa'i said:" He had entered as a limit that should not be used as evidence. "
Imam Ibn Hibban said of him: "Like it wrong and indecisive." Ibn Yunus said: "He narrated ahaadeeth from the evil people who can dpercaya." (See all the A'lamin Nubala Siyar, 10 / 595-611)
2. Abu Umar
This is the second flaw. Abu Umar, he was Waqid bin Hammad al-'Isha Ash Shafar. He is a teacher of Nu'aim bin Hammad.
Abu Umar ibn Hammad was didhaifkan Waqid scholars. Imam Yahya bin Ma'in said: "da'eef." Imam Al-Bukhari said: "munkarul hadith - haditsnya evil." Imam Abu Zur'ah and others: "Layyin-weak." Imam Al Fallas says: "Many false and WAHM ( undecided / hesitant). "(See Al-Mizan, 1/600)
3. Ibn Lahi'ah
He is the narrator of the famous weakness, worse on the side of the hapalannya, especially after his books were burned. Ishaq ibn Isa said their books burned in the year 169H.
Narrated that Imam Yahya bin Said Al Qaththan did not want to assume the hadeeth of Ibn Luhai'ah. Imam Mahdi bin Abdurrahman said: "I did not bring a little or a lot of hadith." Muslim Imam mencertakan that Waki ', Yahya, and leave the hadeeth of Ibn Mahdi Ibn Lahi'ah. An Imam Nasa'i said: "Laisa bitsiqah - not trusted." Kharrasy bin Abdurrahman said: "Do not be written hadith." Abu Yahya bin Ma'in Zur'ah and said: "It can not be used as evidence." Abu Ishaq Al Jauzajaani said: "The hadith does not have cayaha, can not be used as argument, and do not follow." (details see As Siyar, 8/11-31)
4. Husain ibn Abdul Wahhab
Imam al-Hakim said of him: "Majhuul - not known." (Al Mustadrak No. 8590), Al Hafiz Ibn Hajar also said of him: "Majhuul." (Lisanul Mizan, 4/87)
5. Muhammad bin Al Bunani Tsaabit
Imam Yahya bin Ma'in said: "Laisa biqawwi - is not strong." Imam Abu Hatim said: "No argument can be made and the hadith evil." Abu Zur'ah said: "Layyin - weak." (Imam Abdurrahman bin Abi Hatim, Al Jarh wat ta'dil, 7/217)
An Imam Nasa'i said: "da'eef. Imam Ibn 'Adi said: "The hadith can not be followed." Imam Al-Bukhari said: "There is consider him." (Mizanul I'tidal, 3/495)
6. Al Haarits Al Hamdani
He is Al `war (blind eye). Kun-yahnya is Abu Zuhair. He was also weak, and even some accused him of being a liar.
Sya'bi Ash said: "Telling me Al Haarits Al` war, and he is Kadzdzaab - a liar. "Ibrahim said:" He was accused (as a liar). "Ibn Al Madini said:" Kadzdzaab. "Yahya bin Ma'in said: "da'eef." An Nasa'i said: "Laisa bilqawwi - not a strong person." Ad Daruquthni said: "da'eef." Yahya Al Qaththan said: "Generally what diriwayatkannya not awake." Ibn Hibban said: "He is the tasyayyu extreme '(biased toward Shi'ite), and the hadith is weak. "(Mizanul I'tidal, 1/435-437)
So, how pathetic is history! If the narrators are problematic enough to drop this hadith, but there are six narrators of this hadith is problematic, even some of them are known as hadith forger and a liar. Therefore scholars like Imam Adh At Dzahabi in Talkhish, Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Manar in Al Munif, Sheikh Al-Albani in Adh Dhaifah mention that this is a false hadith (maudhu '), and we should be wary of such a history that is. (See Sheikh Abdullah Al-Faqih, Al Fatawa Islamiyah No. Ash Syabakah. 41 701. Shaykh al-Albani, As Adh Dhaifah No pedigree. 6471)
Lately a lot of questions from several people about the degree of hadith last day riot that occurred in the middle of the month of Ramadan that coincides with Friday.
So we said, that the scholars of hadith in the past or living today have been explained clearly and plainly that the ahaadeeth which speak of the problem is none of the authentic from the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wasallam, both in terms of the sanad hadith and reality there. Even all the hadiths is evil and false didustakan on behalf of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam.
I will mention the following text (lafazh) hadith by sanadnya, and critical study of the clergy against him.
قال نعيم بن حماد: حدثنا أبو عمر عن ابن لهيعة قال: حدثني عبد الوهاب بن حسين عن محمد بن ثابت البناني عن أبيه عن الحارث الهمداني عن ابن مسعود رضي الله عنه, عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: "إذا كانت صيحة في رمضان فإنه تكون معمعة في شوال, وتميز القبائل في ذي القعدة, وتسفك الدماء في ذي الحجة والمحرم .. قال: قلنا: وما الصيحة يا سول الله? قال: هذه في النصف من رمضان ليلة الجمعة فتكون هدة توقظ النائم وتقعد القائم وتخرج العواتق من خدورهن في ليلة جمعة في سنة كثيرة الزلازل, فإذا صليتم الفجر من يوم الجمعة فادخلوا بيوتكم, وأغلقوا أبوابكم, وسدوا كواكم, ودثروا أنفسكم, وسدوا آذانكم إذا أحسستم بالصيحة فخروا لله سجدا, وقولوا سبحان الله القدوس, سبحان الله القدوس, ربنا القدوس فمن يفعل ذلك نجا, ومن لم يفعل ذلك هلك)
Nu'aim bin Hammad said: "It has told us Abu Omar, from Ibn Lahi'ah, he said: It has told me of Husayn ibn Abdul Wahhab, from Muhammad bin Thabit Al-Bunani, from his father, of Al-Harith Al-Hamdani , from Ibn Mas'ud radhiallahu 'anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam, he said: "When the voice has emerged in the month of Ramadan, there will be riots in the month of Shawwal, the tribes hostile to each other (inter-tribal war, pent) in the month of Dhul Qa'dah, and bloodshed in the month of Dhul Hijjah and Muharram ... ". We asked: "Sound does, Messenger of Allah?" He replied: "Loud noise in the middle of Ramadan, on Friday night, a loud noise will wake up sleeping people, making people stand sat down, the girls came out of pingitannya, on the night Friday in the occurrence of many earthquakes. If you have been carrying out morning prayers on Fridays, you go into your house, shut its doors, sumbatlah holes, and selimutilah yourself, sumbatlah ears. If you feel a booming sound, then you prostrate to Allah and say: "Glory be to Allah Al-Quddus, Glory be to Allah Al-Quddus, our Rabb Al-Quddus", kerana whoever did it, surely he would be saved, but whoever does not doing so, He will perish ".
(This is narrated by ibn Hammad Nu'aim in the holy Al-Fitan I/228, No.638, and Alauddin Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi in the book Kanzul 'Ummal, No.39627).
Degree of Hadith
This hadith fake degree (maudhu '), because in sanadnya there are several hadith narrators are liars and problematic as discussed by the scholars of hadith. The narrators of these is as the following
A. Nu'aim bin Hammad
She was a narrator who Da'eef (weak),
* An-Nasa'i said about him: "He's a Da'eef (weak)" (See Dhu'afa wa Al-Adh-Matrukin, the work of An-Nasa'i I/101 no.589)
* Abu Daud said: "Nu'aim bin Hammad narrated twenty hadith from the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam that has no basis sanad (the original, important life)."
* Imam Al-Azdi said: "He was among those who forged hadiths in defense of the Sunnah, and making false stories about the ugliness of An-Nu'man (ie, Abu Hanifah, pent), all of it is a lie" (See Mizan Al-Adh-priest I'tidal work Dzahabi IV/267).
* Imam Adh-Dzahabi say about it: "There should be for anyone berhujjah with him, and he has compiled a book of Al-Fitan, and mentioned in it peculiarities and munkar-munkar" (See As-Siyar a'lam An X-Nubala / 609).
2. Ibn Lahi'ah (Abdullah bin Lahi'ah)
She was a narrator who Da'eef (weak), because of chaos in the occasion after the books of hadith on fire.
* An-Nasa'i said about him: "He's a Da'eef (weak)" (See Dhu'afa wa Al-Adh-Matrukin, the work of An-Nasa'i I/64 no.346)
* Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani said: "He's a mess on the occasion after burning the books of hadith" (See At-Tahdheeb Taqrib I/319 no.3563).
3. Husain ibn Abdul Wahhab
She was a narrator who majhul (not known).
* Al-Hakim said of him: "He is a narrator who majhul (obviously not his true identity and credibility)" (See Al-Mustadrak No. 8590)
* Imam Adh-Dzahabi said in At-Talkhish: "He had a history of false hadith." (Lisan al-Mizan See, the work of Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani II/139).
4. Muhammad bin Thabit Al-Bunani
She was a narrator who Da'eef (weak in hadith narration) as stated by Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani, Ibn An-Nasa'i and Hibban.
* An-Nasa'i said about him: "He's a Da'eef (weak)"
* Yahya bin Ma'in said: "He is a narrator who is not nothing" (See Al-Kamil Fi Dhu'afa Ar-Rijal, Ibn 'Adi VI/136 no.1638).
* Ibn Hibban said: "There should be berhujjah with him, and should not also narrated from him" (See Al-Majruhin, Ibn Hibban II/252 no.928).
* Imam Al-Azdi said: "He is a man who killed his history" (See At-Tahdheeb Tahdheeb, the work of Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani IX/72 104)
5. Al-Harith bin Al-Abdullah Al-Hamdani A'war.
He's a liar narrator, as stated by Imam Ash-Sya'bi, Abu Hatim and Ibn Al-Madini.
* An-Nasa'i said about him: "He is not a strong narrator (on occasion, pent)" (See Al-Kamil Fi Dhu'afa Ar-Rijal, Ibn 'Adi II/186 no.370).
* Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani say about him: "Imam Ash-Sya'bi opinion belied his wits, and he also accused adopts / schools Rafidhah (Shi'ite), and in the hadith there is a weakness" (See Taqrib At-Tahdheeb I/146 no.1029).
* Ali bin Al-Madini said: "He's a liar"
* Abu Hatim ar-Razi said: "He can not be used as evidence." (Siyar an-Nubala knows best ', the work of Imam Adh-Dzahabi IV/152 54)
The words of the Hadith Scholars About It
Al-Uqaily rahimahullah said: "This hadith does not have the basis of the hadeeth narrated by a narrator who tsiqah (reliable), or from the road that Thabit (strong and true)." (See the Al-Adh-Kabir Dhu'afa III/52 ).
Ibn Jauzi rahimahullah said: "This hadith forged in the name of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam" (See Al-Maudhu'aat III/191).
Shaykh Al-Albani rahimahullah said: "This hadith false (maudhu '). Issued by Nu'aim bin Hammad Al-Fitan in the book. "And he mentioned some history on the issue of Abu Huraira and 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud radi anhuma. (See Genealogy of the Al-Adh-ahadith wa al-Maudhu'ah Dho'ifah no.6178, 6179).
Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Baz rahimahullah said: "This hadith does not have the correct base, even this is a hadith which vanity and falsehood" (See Majmu 'Fatawa Bin Baz XXVI/339-341).
Thus, we can conclude that this hadith is a hadith maudhu '(false). Should not be believed as truth, and should not be attributed to the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wasallam. Because besides the sanad of this hadith no one can be accepted as evidence, also deny the reality was. For the years have passed and a lot has happened over and over again on Friday to coincide with the fifteenth (middle) during Ramadan, but in reality it never happened as the news contained in this hadith, Alhamdulillah.
Therefore, we are strictly forbidden to disseminate it to others either through print media, or electronic, or in chat and sermon but in order to explain the weakness, falseness, and iniquities, and aims to warn people of it.
If we had done this, we have free and safe from the threat of harsh Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam, that is a hell for anyone who intentionally lied on his behalf, either with the purpose of vilifying the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam and his teachings, or in order to defend the Prophet and motivates the Muslims to worship Allah vibrant.
Thus the answer to a question on this issue that I can say. May be useful knowledge for us all.
From the article False Hadith riot End Times In Middle Friday of Ramadan - Muslim.Or.Id by null
. Prayers and greetings may always poured to our Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam bin Abdullah, his family, his friends, and people who always hold fast to his teachings until the Day of Resurrection.
From the article False Hadith riot End Times In Middle Friday of Ramadan - Muslim.Or.Id by nullser. Shalawat dan salam semoga senantiasa tercurahkan kepada Nabi kita, Muhammad bin Abdullah shallallahu alaihi wasallam, keluarganya, para sahabatnya, dan orang-orang yang senantiasa berpegang teguh dengan ajarannya hingga hari kiamat.
Dari artikel Hadits Palsu Huru Hara Akhir Zaman Di Hari Jum’at Pertengahan Ramadhan — Muslim.Or.Id by null Shalawat dan salam semoga senantiasa tercurahkan kepada Nabi kita, Muhammad bin Abdullah shallallahu alaihi wasallam, keluarganya, para sahabatnya, dan orang-orang yang senantiasa berpegang teguh dengan ajarannya hingga hari kiamat. Shalawat dan salam semoga senantiasa tercurahkan kepada Nabi kita, Muhammad bin Abdullah shallallahu alaihi wasallam, keluarganya, para sahabatnya, dan orang-orang yang senantiasa berpegang teguh dengan ajarannya hingga hari kiamat.
Perhaps now more crowded, bustling people talking about the hadith which says that there is riot and loud in the middle of Ramadan 2012. panic which will occur later in the human race .. if it will happen .. And Allaah knows best .. only God knows.
Of Nu'aim bin Hammad narrated by sanadnya that Prophet SAW said:
When the voice has emerged in the month of Ramadan, there will be riots in itul ... ". We asked:" Sound is, O Messenger of Allah? "He replied:" Loud noise in the middle of Ramadan, on Friday night, a loud noise will wake up sleeping people, making people stand sat down, the girls came out of pingitannya, on Friday night in the occurrence of many earthquakes. If you have carried out the dawn prayer on Friday, you go into your house, shut its doors, sumbatlah holes, and selimutilah yourself, sumbatlah ears. If you feel a booming sound, then you prostrate to Allah and say: "Al-Quddus Glory, Glory to Al-Quddus, our Rabb Al-Quddus", kerana anyone doing that would be saved, but whoever did it will perish ". (Al Hadith). (From @ Nizar and others)
Wa 'Alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Salam Barakatuh.
Bismillah wal wash hamdulillah Shalatu was Salamu 'Ala Rasulillah wa' Ala Aalihi Ashhabihi wa wa Man waalah, wa ba'd:
There are several questioner who asked the same thing to us, and he said this hadith is busy circulating FB discussed and some forums on the internet.
Immediately, ......., the following is the text of the hadith Arab asked:
عن ابن مسعود قال قال رسول الله: - صلى الله عليه وسلم - إذا كانت صيحة فى رمضان فإنه يكون معمعة فى شوال وتمييز القبائل فى ذى القعدة وتسفك الدماء فى ذى الحجة والمحرم وما المحرم يقولها ثلاث مرات هيهات هيهات يقتل الناس فيه هرجا هرجا قلنا وما الصيحة يا رسول الله قال هدة فى النصف من رمضان ليلة الجمعة فتكون هدة توقظ النائم وتقعد القائم وتخرج العواتق من خدورهن فى ليلة جمعة فى سنة كثيرة الزلازل والبرد فإذا وافق شهر رمضان فى تلك السنة ليلة الجمعة فإذا صليتم الفجر من يوم الجمعة فى النصف من رمضان فادخلوا بيوتكم وأغلقوا أبوابكم وسدوا كواكم ودثروا أنفسكم وسدوا آذانكم فإذا أحسستم بالصيحة فخروا لله سجدا وقولوا سبحان القدوس سبحان القدوس ربنا القدوس فإنه من فعل ذلك نجا ومن لم يفعل هلك
This hadith contained in the book Al Fitan, work Nu'aim bin Hammad, Juz. 1, p. 228, No.. 638. Also the book Kanzul 'Ummal, works of Imam Alauddin Al Al Hindi No Muttaqi. 39 627.
Sanad is the following hadith, said Nu'aim bin Hammad:
حدثنا أبو عمر عن ابن لهيعة قال: حدثني عبد الوهاب بن حسين عن محمد بن ثابت البناني عن أبيه عن الحارث الهمداني عن ابن مسعود, رضي الله عنه عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال
Abu Umar said to us, from Ibn Luhai'ah, she said: said to Husayn ibn Abdul Wahhab, from Muhammad bin Thabit Al Bunani, from his father, from Al Haarits Al Hamdani, from Ibn Mas'ud radhiallahu 'anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam: ... (Then referred to above hadith)
This hadith has many defects, which in all its narrators, except Ibn Mas'ud Radhiallalhu 'Anhu:
A. Nu'aim bin Hammad
He included a priest, she who compiled the book of Al Fitan own, but the priests hadith has been sharply criticized. He and the book of Al Fitan, Imam Adh Dzahabi said:
لا يجوز لاحد أن يحتج به, وقد صنف كتاب "الفتن" فأتى فيه بعجائب ومناكير.
"No one was allowed to berhujjah him, and he has compiled a book of Al Fitan, in which there are many peculiarities and munkar." (As Siyar A'lamin Nubala, 10/609)
An Imam Nasa'i said: "He's a very weak (da'eef)." Imam Al Azdi said: "He was among those who forge Hadith to defend the traditions." Imam Al-'Abbas ibn Mus'ab said in his Tarikh: "He sebah falsified books to refute the Jahmiyah. "Therefore, Imam Adh Dzahabi say about him:" One of the priests of the world, who have a weakness in the hadith. "(See all the Mizanul I'tidal, 4/267-269)
There are judged honest and reliable, such as Imam Yahya bin Ma'in, Imam Ahmad and Imam Al 'Ijli, and Imam al-Bukhari hadith ever take from him. (Ibid) But in another book of Imam Ibn Ma'in never criticize.
In Siyar As mentioned by Imam Adh Dzahabi, according to Imam Al-'Abbas ibn Hammad ibn Mus'ab that Nu'aim had falsified a book to refute Imam Abu Hanifah and Muhammad ibn al-Hasan, and forging 13 books to refute Jahmiyah group.
Salih Al Jazarah and Az Zuhri said, Nu'aim bin Hammad is one that has many hadiths that evil can not be followed. Imam Yahya bin Ma'in asked about bin Hammad Nu'aim hadith, he replied: "hadith is nothing (that should not be considered, pen)."
Hammad Ibn Ad Daulabi said: "Nu'aim bin Hammad da'eef." Syu'aib bin Ahmad, Ibn Hammad, and the other said: "He forged hadiths in defense of the Sunna, and fabricate tales about fitnahnya clerics Abu Hanifah, everything is a lie. "An Imam Nasa'i said:" He had entered as a limit that should not be used as evidence. "
Imam Ibn Hibban said of him: "Like it wrong and indecisive." Ibn Yunus said: "He narrated ahaadeeth from the evil people who can dpercaya." (See all the A'lamin Nubala Siyar, 10 / 595-611)
2. Abu Umar
This is the second flaw. Abu Umar, he was Waqid bin Hammad al-'Isha Ash Shafar. He is a teacher of Nu'aim bin Hammad.
Abu Umar ibn Hammad was didhaifkan Waqid scholars. Imam Yahya bin Ma'in said: "da'eef." Imam Al-Bukhari said: "munkarul hadith - haditsnya evil." Imam Abu Zur'ah and others: "Layyin-weak." Imam Al Fallas says: "Many false and WAHM ( undecided / hesitant). "(See Al-Mizan, 1/600)
3. Ibn Lahi'ah
He is the narrator of the famous weakness, worse on the side of the hapalannya, especially after his books were burned. Ishaq ibn Isa said their books burned in the year 169H.
Narrated that Imam Yahya bin Said Al Qaththan did not want to assume the hadeeth of Ibn Luhai'ah. Imam Mahdi bin Abdurrahman said: "I did not bring a little or a lot of hadith." Muslim Imam mencertakan that Waki ', Yahya, and leave the hadeeth of Ibn Mahdi Ibn Lahi'ah. An Imam Nasa'i said: "Laisa bitsiqah - not trusted." Kharrasy bin Abdurrahman said: "Do not be written hadith." Abu Yahya bin Ma'in Zur'ah and said: "It can not be used as evidence." Abu Ishaq Al Jauzajaani said: "The hadith does not have cayaha, can not be used as argument, and do not follow." (details see As Siyar, 8/11-31)
4. Husain ibn Abdul Wahhab
Imam al-Hakim said of him: "Majhuul - not known." (Al Mustadrak No. 8590), Al Hafiz Ibn Hajar also said of him: "Majhuul." (Lisanul Mizan, 4/87)
5. Muhammad bin Al Bunani Tsaabit
Imam Yahya bin Ma'in said: "Laisa biqawwi - is not strong." Imam Abu Hatim said: "No argument can be made and the hadith evil." Abu Zur'ah said: "Layyin - weak." (Imam Abdurrahman bin Abi Hatim, Al Jarh wat ta'dil, 7/217)
An Imam Nasa'i said: "da'eef. Imam Ibn 'Adi said: "The hadith can not be followed." Imam Al-Bukhari said: "There is consider him." (Mizanul I'tidal, 3/495)
6. Al Haarits Al Hamdani
He is Al `war (blind eye). Kun-yahnya is Abu Zuhair. He was also weak, and even some accused him of being a liar.
Sya'bi Ash said: "Telling me Al Haarits Al` war, and he is Kadzdzaab - a liar. "Ibrahim said:" He was accused (as a liar). "Ibn Al Madini said:" Kadzdzaab. "Yahya bin Ma'in said: "da'eef." An Nasa'i said: "Laisa bilqawwi - not a strong person." Ad Daruquthni said: "da'eef." Yahya Al Qaththan said: "Generally what diriwayatkannya not awake." Ibn Hibban said: "He is the tasyayyu extreme '(biased toward Shi'ite), and the hadith is weak. "(Mizanul I'tidal, 1/435-437)
So, how pathetic is history! If the narrators are problematic enough to drop this hadith, but there are six narrators of this hadith is problematic, even some of them are known as hadith forger and a liar. Therefore scholars like Imam Adh At Dzahabi in Talkhish, Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Manar in Al Munif, Sheikh Al-Albani in Adh Dhaifah mention that this is a false hadith (maudhu '), and we should be wary of such a history that is. (See Sheikh Abdullah Al-Faqih, Al Fatawa Islamiyah No. Ash Syabakah. 41 701. Shaykh al-Albani, As Adh Dhaifah No pedigree. 6471)
Lately a lot of questions from several people about the degree of hadith last day riot that occurred in the middle of the month of Ramadan that coincides with Friday.
So we said, that the scholars of hadith in the past or living today have been explained clearly and plainly that the ahaadeeth which speak of the problem is none of the authentic from the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wasallam, both in terms of the sanad hadith and reality there. Even all the hadiths is evil and false didustakan on behalf of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam.
I will mention the following text (lafazh) hadith by sanadnya, and critical study of the clergy against him.
قال نعيم بن حماد: حدثنا أبو عمر عن ابن لهيعة قال: حدثني عبد الوهاب بن حسين عن محمد بن ثابت البناني عن أبيه عن الحارث الهمداني عن ابن مسعود رضي الله عنه, عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: "إذا كانت صيحة في رمضان فإنه تكون معمعة في شوال, وتميز القبائل في ذي القعدة, وتسفك الدماء في ذي الحجة والمحرم .. قال: قلنا: وما الصيحة يا سول الله? قال: هذه في النصف من رمضان ليلة الجمعة فتكون هدة توقظ النائم وتقعد القائم وتخرج العواتق من خدورهن في ليلة جمعة في سنة كثيرة الزلازل, فإذا صليتم الفجر من يوم الجمعة فادخلوا بيوتكم, وأغلقوا أبوابكم, وسدوا كواكم, ودثروا أنفسكم, وسدوا آذانكم إذا أحسستم بالصيحة فخروا لله سجدا, وقولوا سبحان الله القدوس, سبحان الله القدوس, ربنا القدوس فمن يفعل ذلك نجا, ومن لم يفعل ذلك هلك)
Nu'aim bin Hammad said: "It has told us Abu Omar, from Ibn Lahi'ah, he said: It has told me of Husayn ibn Abdul Wahhab, from Muhammad bin Thabit Al-Bunani, from his father, of Al-Harith Al-Hamdani , from Ibn Mas'ud radhiallahu 'anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam, he said: "When the voice has emerged in the month of Ramadan, there will be riots in the month of Shawwal, the tribes hostile to each other (inter-tribal war, pent) in the month of Dhul Qa'dah, and bloodshed in the month of Dhul Hijjah and Muharram ... ". We asked: "Sound does, Messenger of Allah?" He replied: "Loud noise in the middle of Ramadan, on Friday night, a loud noise will wake up sleeping people, making people stand sat down, the girls came out of pingitannya, on the night Friday in the occurrence of many earthquakes. If you have been carrying out morning prayers on Fridays, you go into your house, shut its doors, sumbatlah holes, and selimutilah yourself, sumbatlah ears. If you feel a booming sound, then you prostrate to Allah and say: "Glory be to Allah Al-Quddus, Glory be to Allah Al-Quddus, our Rabb Al-Quddus", kerana whoever did it, surely he would be saved, but whoever does not doing so, He will perish ".
(This is narrated by ibn Hammad Nu'aim in the holy Al-Fitan I/228, No.638, and Alauddin Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi in the book Kanzul 'Ummal, No.39627).
Degree of Hadith
This hadith fake degree (maudhu '), because in sanadnya there are several hadith narrators are liars and problematic as discussed by the scholars of hadith. The narrators of these is as the following
A. Nu'aim bin Hammad
She was a narrator who Da'eef (weak),
* An-Nasa'i said about him: "He's a Da'eef (weak)" (See Dhu'afa wa Al-Adh-Matrukin, the work of An-Nasa'i I/101 no.589)
* Abu Daud said: "Nu'aim bin Hammad narrated twenty hadith from the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam that has no basis sanad (the original, important life)."
* Imam Al-Azdi said: "He was among those who forged hadiths in defense of the Sunnah, and making false stories about the ugliness of An-Nu'man (ie, Abu Hanifah, pent), all of it is a lie" (See Mizan Al-Adh-priest I'tidal work Dzahabi IV/267).
* Imam Adh-Dzahabi say about it: "There should be for anyone berhujjah with him, and he has compiled a book of Al-Fitan, and mentioned in it peculiarities and munkar-munkar" (See As-Siyar a'lam An X-Nubala / 609).
2. Ibn Lahi'ah (Abdullah bin Lahi'ah)
She was a narrator who Da'eef (weak), because of chaos in the occasion after the books of hadith on fire.
* An-Nasa'i said about him: "He's a Da'eef (weak)" (See Dhu'afa wa Al-Adh-Matrukin, the work of An-Nasa'i I/64 no.346)
* Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani said: "He's a mess on the occasion after burning the books of hadith" (See At-Tahdheeb Taqrib I/319 no.3563).
3. Husain ibn Abdul Wahhab
She was a narrator who majhul (not known).
* Al-Hakim said of him: "He is a narrator who majhul (obviously not his true identity and credibility)" (See Al-Mustadrak No. 8590)
* Imam Adh-Dzahabi said in At-Talkhish: "He had a history of false hadith." (Lisan al-Mizan See, the work of Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani II/139).
4. Muhammad bin Thabit Al-Bunani
She was a narrator who Da'eef (weak in hadith narration) as stated by Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani, Ibn An-Nasa'i and Hibban.
* An-Nasa'i said about him: "He's a Da'eef (weak)"
* Yahya bin Ma'in said: "He is a narrator who is not nothing" (See Al-Kamil Fi Dhu'afa Ar-Rijal, Ibn 'Adi VI/136 no.1638).
* Ibn Hibban said: "There should be berhujjah with him, and should not also narrated from him" (See Al-Majruhin, Ibn Hibban II/252 no.928).
* Imam Al-Azdi said: "He is a man who killed his history" (See At-Tahdheeb Tahdheeb, the work of Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani IX/72 104)
5. Al-Harith bin Al-Abdullah Al-Hamdani A'war.
He's a liar narrator, as stated by Imam Ash-Sya'bi, Abu Hatim and Ibn Al-Madini.
* An-Nasa'i said about him: "He is not a strong narrator (on occasion, pent)" (See Al-Kamil Fi Dhu'afa Ar-Rijal, Ibn 'Adi II/186 no.370).
* Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani say about him: "Imam Ash-Sya'bi opinion belied his wits, and he also accused adopts / schools Rafidhah (Shi'ite), and in the hadith there is a weakness" (See Taqrib At-Tahdheeb I/146 no.1029).
* Ali bin Al-Madini said: "He's a liar"
* Abu Hatim ar-Razi said: "He can not be used as evidence." (Siyar an-Nubala knows best ', the work of Imam Adh-Dzahabi IV/152 54)
The words of the Hadith Scholars About It
Al-Uqaily rahimahullah said: "This hadith does not have the basis of the hadeeth narrated by a narrator who tsiqah (reliable), or from the road that Thabit (strong and true)." (See the Al-Adh-Kabir Dhu'afa III/52 ).
Ibn Jauzi rahimahullah said: "This hadith forged in the name of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam" (See Al-Maudhu'aat III/191).
Shaykh Al-Albani rahimahullah said: "This hadith false (maudhu '). Issued by Nu'aim bin Hammad Al-Fitan in the book. "And he mentioned some history on the issue of Abu Huraira and 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud radi anhuma. (See Genealogy of the Al-Adh-ahadith wa al-Maudhu'ah Dho'ifah no.6178, 6179).
Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Baz rahimahullah said: "This hadith does not have the correct base, even this is a hadith which vanity and falsehood" (See Majmu 'Fatawa Bin Baz XXVI/339-341).
Thus, we can conclude that this hadith is a hadith maudhu '(false). Should not be believed as truth, and should not be attributed to the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wasallam. Because besides the sanad of this hadith no one can be accepted as evidence, also deny the reality was. For the years have passed and a lot has happened over and over again on Friday to coincide with the fifteenth (middle) during Ramadan, but in reality it never happened as the news contained in this hadith, Alhamdulillah.
Therefore, we are strictly forbidden to disseminate it to others either through print media, or electronic, or in chat and sermon but in order to explain the weakness, falseness, and iniquities, and aims to warn people of it.
If we had done this, we have free and safe from the threat of harsh Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam, that is a hell for anyone who intentionally lied on his behalf, either with the purpose of vilifying the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam and his teachings, or in order to defend the Prophet and motivates the Muslims to worship Allah vibrant.
Thus the answer to a question on this issue that I can say. May be useful knowledge for us all.
From the article False Hadith riot End Times In Middle Friday of Ramadan - Muslim.Or.Id by null
. Prayers and greetings may always poured to our Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam bin Abdullah, his family, his friends, and people who always hold fast to his teachings until the Day of Resurrection.
From the article False Hadith riot End Times In Middle Friday of Ramadan - Muslim.Or.Id by nullser. Shalawat dan salam semoga senantiasa tercurahkan kepada Nabi kita, Muhammad bin Abdullah shallallahu alaihi wasallam, keluarganya, para sahabatnya, dan orang-orang yang senantiasa berpegang teguh dengan ajarannya hingga hari kiamat.
Dari artikel Hadits Palsu Huru Hara Akhir Zaman Di Hari Jum’at Pertengahan Ramadhan — Muslim.Or.Id by null
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