There are two lovers who love each other. The man came from a wealthy family, and is a respected person in the city. While she is an orphan, living
deprivation, but beautiful, gentle, and kind. Excess is what makes him fall in love.
deprivation, but beautiful, gentle, and kind. Excess is what makes him fall in love.
The woman pregnant out of wedlock. The man then asked her to marry, to bring the woman to his home. As they had suspected, the old man did not like her. As a person of noble birth in the city, the woman's background would damage the reputation of the family. Instead, they've even find a soul mate is worth it for her son. The man tried to convince his parents, that he has set his decision, whatever the risks for him.
The woman felt helpless, but the man assured her that they will be nothing to separate them. The man continued to argue with their parents, and even denied the words of her parents, something never before done in his life (in the past, generally a child is subject to their parents).
The woman felt helpless, but the man assured her that they will be nothing to separate them. The man continued to argue with their parents, and even denied the words of her parents, something never before done in his life (in the past, generally a child is subject to their parents).
A month has passed, he failed to persuade her parents to accept his future wife. The parents also stress because it failed to persuade her only child, so that they will part with her, which they would be very detrimental to its future.
The man finally set the options for running mate. He decided to leave everything for the sake of her lover. Departure time was set, but apparently the plan is known by the parents of the man. So when the time comes, the parent lock their children in the room and guarded by his subordinates in his large house.
The man finally set the options for running mate. He decided to leave everything for the sake of her lover. Departure time was set, but apparently the plan is known by the parents of the man. So when the time comes, the parent lock their children in the room and guarded by his subordinates in his large house.
Instead, both parents come to the appointed place they will couple to escape. The woman was surprised by the arrival of father and mother of the man. They then invoke the sense of the woman, to leave their only child.
According to them, with the difference in social status is very large, their marriage will just be a rumor around the town, his reputation would be tainted, people will not respect him anymore. As a result, businesses that will be inherited by their children will go broke slowly.
According to them, with the difference in social status is very large, their marriage will just be a rumor around the town, his reputation would be tainted, people will not respect him anymore. As a result, businesses that will be inherited by their children will go broke slowly.
They even give you money in large amounts, with a request that they will leave town this woman, did not meet with him again, and an abortion. The money can be used to finance his life elsewhere.
She sobbed. In his heart, he realized that the difference in social status very much, will cause many difficulties for her lover. Finally, he agreed to leave the city, but refused to accept the money on. She loved the man, not his money. Although he was fully conscious, his way of life in the future will be very difficult?.
She sobbed. In his heart, he realized that the difference in social status very much, will cause many difficulties for her lover. Finally, he agreed to leave the city, but refused to accept the money on. She loved the man, not his money. Although he was fully conscious, his way of life in the future will be very difficult?.
Mother begged him to return her to leave they will be to them a letter, stating that he chose to part with him. Mother of the man worried his son will continue to look for her lover, and refused to continue the efforts of his parents. "Although he is not your husband one day, would not you want to see him as someone who is successful? This is for the good of both of you," said the mother.
With a heavy heart, she wrote a letter. He explained that he had decided to leave him. He is aware that its existence will only hurt him. He apologized for having violated their oath of allegiance together, that they will always be together in the face of rejection due to differences in their social status. He does not longer hold this pain, and decided to split up.
With a heavy heart, she wrote a letter. He explained that he had decided to leave him. He is aware that its existence will only hurt him. He apologized for having violated their oath of allegiance together, that they will always be together in the face of rejection due to differences in their social status. He does not longer hold this pain, and decided to split up.
Her tears wetting the letter appears. The poor woman did not seem to have no other choice. He was caught between the moral and love. The woman immediately left the city, alone. He headed for a more remote villages. There, he determined to give birth and raise their children.
Three years have passed. It turned out that the woman has become a mother. Her son was a man. The mother worked hard day and night, to finance their lives. In the morning and afternoon, he worked in a domestic industry, in the evening, she wiping clothes and embroidery neighbors in accordance with customer orders. Mostly he did all this work while carrying a child on her back.
Three years have passed. It turned out that the woman has become a mother. Her son was a man. The mother worked hard day and night, to finance their lives. In the morning and afternoon, he worked in a domestic industry, in the evening, she wiping clothes and embroidery neighbors in accordance with customer orders. Mostly he did all this work while carrying a child on her back.
Although he was well educated, he realized that another job is not possible, because he must be on his side at all times. But the mother never complained to his work ...
At the age of three years, one day, the boy suddenly ill. Very high fever. He was immediately taken to a local hospital. The boy should stay in the hospital for several days. Medical expenses have drained the entire savings of his hard work over the years, and even then not enough. Mother eventually they will also borrow here and there, to anyone who is generous enough to provide a loan.
At the age of three years, one day, the boy suddenly ill. Very high fever. He was immediately taken to a local hospital. The boy should stay in the hospital for several days. Medical expenses have drained the entire savings of his hard work over the years, and even then not enough. Mother eventually they will also borrow here and there, to anyone who is generous enough to provide a loan.
When discharged, the doctor suggested to make the soup ingredients, to accelerate the healing of his son. Ingredients consisting of herbs and beef for steamed together. But the mother is only able to buy herbal medicine, he did not have any money left to buy meat. To borrow again, it was not possible, because he has been indebted to all those whom he knew, and have not been paid.
When at home, the mother cried. He does not know what to do, to get meat. Butcher shop in the village had rejected his request, to pay at the end of the month when payday.
When at home, the mother cried. He does not know what to do, to get meat. Butcher shop in the village had rejected his request, to pay at the end of the month when payday.
Between sobs, she suddenly got the idea. He was looking for alcohol in the house, kitchen knife, and a piece of cloth. Having a kitchen knife cleaned with alcohol, the mother is desperate to take a piece of flesh from his thigh. In order not to wake a sleeping child, he tied his mouth with a cloth. Blood Spatter. The mother is struggling to take his own flesh, while trying not to sound extreme pain? ..
Heavy rain fell. Raining cats and dogs causing moans in pain the mother is heard by the neighbors, especially by his own son. It seems that the sky is also touched by the sacrifices being made by the mother.
Heavy rain fell. Raining cats and dogs causing moans in pain the mother is heard by the neighbors, especially by his own son. It seems that the sky is also touched by the sacrifices being made by the mother.
Six years have passed, his son grow into a child who is handsome, intelligent, and virtuous character. He was also very fond of his mother. On the day of the week, they often go to the park in the village, playing together, and together sing the song "Shi Chi Sang You Mama Hau" (translated "In this world, only a good mother").
The children also have school. The mother is now working as shopkeepers, because he was able to leave their children during the day.
The children also have school. The mother is now working as shopkeepers, because he was able to leave their children during the day.
Their days are spent with together, full of happiness. The children are sometimes forced his mother, so he could help his mother wiping at night. He knew his mother was still wiping at night, because it requires additional costs for the school. He was a smart boy.
He also knows, next month is the birthday of his mother. He intends to buy a watch, a highly coveted her for this. Her mother never tried it in a store, but soon declined after the shop owner the price. The watch is simple, not too fancy, but for them, it's too expensive. There are many other uses that need to be funded.
He also knows, next month is the birthday of his mother. He intends to buy a watch, a highly coveted her for this. Her mother never tried it in a store, but soon declined after the shop owner the price. The watch is simple, not too fancy, but for them, it's too expensive. There are many other uses that need to be funded.
The children immediately went to the store page, which is not far from his home. He asked the store owner's grandfather in order to keep a watch they will be, because he will buy it next month. "Do you have money?" asked the shop owner. "Not now, later I would have," said the boy seriously.
Apparently, next month the child truly appears to buy the watch page. The grandfather was also surprised, presumably the child was just playing around.
When handed over the money, the grandfather asked "Where did you get that money? Not steal it?". "I do not steal, grandfather.
Today is the birthday of my mother. I usually ride tricycles back and forth to school. During this month, when I walk home from school to home, pocket money and money I save to buy a pedicab this hour. My feet hurt, but this is all for my mother. Oh yes, do not tell my mom about it. He will be angry, "said the boy. The shop owner looked amazed at the boy.
As usual, the mother came home from work in the afternoon. The child immediately congratulated the mother, and handed the watch. The mother was surprised to mixed emotion, he is proud of his son. This watch is indeed a dream. But the mother suddenly realized, from where the money to buy these hours. The boy shut up, do not want to answer.
"Did you steal, boy?" The boy kept silent, he did not want mom to know how he collected the money.
Having asked many times with no answer, she concluded that her son had stolen. "Although we are poor, we should not steal. Not the mother has taught you about this?" said the mother.
Then she took the cane and started beating her. Even if the mother loves her child, he must educate his son since childhood. The child cried, while tears flowed out of the mother. Her heart was so sore, because he was hitting parts of the heart. But he had to do it, for the sake of her child.
Having asked many times with no answer, she concluded that her son had stolen. "Although we are poor, we should not steal. Not the mother has taught you about this?" said the mother.
Then she took the cane and started beating her. Even if the mother loves her child, he must educate his son since childhood. The child cried, while tears flowed out of the mother. Her heart was so sore, because he was hitting parts of the heart. But he had to do it, for the sake of her child.
Heard the child crying out. The neighbors to the house they will be surprised, and then concerned after knowing what happened. "He's actually a good boy", said one neighbor.
Coincidence, the shop owner was visiting the house of one neighbor who is kin.
When he came out to see the house, he immediately recognized the boy. When knowing the problem, he immediately went to the mother to explain. But suddenly the boy ran toward the store owner, begging not to tell the truth to his mother.
Coincidence, the shop owner was visiting the house of one neighbor who is kin.
When he came out to see the house, he immediately recognized the boy. When knowing the problem, he immediately went to the mother to explain. But suddenly the boy ran toward the store owner, begging not to tell the truth to his mother.
"Son, you know, a good child should not lie, and should not hide anything from her mother". The children follow the advice the old man. Then the old man began to tell how the boy suddenly appeared in his shop a month ago, asking him to keep a watch page, and a month later to buy it. The boy appeared this afternoon in his shop, he said today is the birthday of his mother. He also tells how the children walk home from school and do not snack at school during this month, to raise money to buy his mother's favorite watches.
Seems the grandfather moved to tears when they will finish explaining it, so did the neighbors. The mother immediately hugged his beloved son, both of them cried and cried. "Pardon me, boy."
Seems the grandfather moved to tears when they will finish explaining it, so did the neighbors. The mother immediately hugged his beloved son, both of them cried and cried. "Pardon me, boy."
"No mom, I am guilty".
In the meantime, was the father of the child are married, but his wife was barren. They had no children. The parent is very upset about this, because nothing will someday inherit their businesses.
When the mother and her child walk into the town, in a chance, they met with the father and his wife. The father realized that in fact he already had children of his own flesh and blood. He invites them to his house, willing to bear all the cost of their lives, but the mother refused. We can live very well without your help.
In the meantime, was the father of the child are married, but his wife was barren. They had no children. The parent is very upset about this, because nothing will someday inherit their businesses.
When the mother and her child walk into the town, in a chance, they met with the father and his wife. The father realized that in fact he already had children of his own flesh and blood. He invites them to his house, willing to bear all the cost of their lives, but the mother refused. We can live very well without your help.
This information is immediately known by the parents of the man. They are so desperate to see his grandson, but the mother refused to give.
In the mid-year, the child's illness recur. Doctors say that the child's illness and treatment needs consistent operation. If you relapse, it would endanger her soul.
The mother's finances are a little better, than ever before. But medical costs are not cheap, he could not afford it.
The mother again thinking hard. But he did not find the right solution. The only way out is to surrender her child to the father, because the fathers who could afford treatment.
In the mid-year, the child's illness recur. Doctors say that the child's illness and treatment needs consistent operation. If you relapse, it would endanger her soul.
The mother's finances are a little better, than ever before. But medical costs are not cheap, he could not afford it.
The mother again thinking hard. But he did not find the right solution. The only way out is to surrender her child to the father, because the fathers who could afford treatment.
So on this Sunday, the mother again took her around town, playing in their favorite park. They were overjoyed, singing the song "Shi Chi Sang You Mama Hau", their favorite songs. For a moment, she forgot all her suffering, she lost in the excitement with her son.
After returning home, she explained the situation to the child. The child refused to live with his father, because he just wants a mother.
"But the mother could not afford the care you, kid" said the mother. "It's okay Mom, I do not need to be treated. I was healthy, if able, together with the mother. When you grow up, I'll find a lot of money for me and care for the mother. Later, the mother does not have to work longer, Bu ", said the boy. But forcing the mother to visit his father's house the next day. The disease can indeed recur at any time.
After returning home, she explained the situation to the child. The child refused to live with his father, because he just wants a mother.
"But the mother could not afford the care you, kid" said the mother. "It's okay Mom, I do not need to be treated. I was healthy, if able, together with the mother. When you grow up, I'll find a lot of money for me and care for the mother. Later, the mother does not have to work longer, Bu ", said the boy. But forcing the mother to visit his father's house the next day. The disease can indeed recur at any time.
There he was introduced by his grandparents. Both are very happy to see these cute kids. When her mother was about to go home, the boy struggled to come home with his mother. Although given the child's favorite toy, which he never got the time with his mother, the boy refused. "I want you, I do not want the toy," cried the boy with an innocent tone. With a sad heart and tears, the mother said "Son, you have to hear the mother's advice. Stay here. Father, grandfather and grandmother would play with you." "No, I do not want them. I just want to mother, my dear mother, do not you also love my mother? She now does not want me anymore", the boy began to cry.
Lured by coaxing his mother to live in a big house they will not listen to the little boy. The boy sobbed "If the mother saying to me, take me away, ma'am". Until the end, his mother forced to say "Yes, she does not love you anymore. Stay here", she immediately ran out the house they will be. Children seemed to struggle with a mournful crying jag.
At home, the mother again lamenting his fate. So heart-rending cries, he has parted with his son. He was not allowed to visit her son, but they promised to take care of the children. Between sobs, she did not find meaning in life again. He has lost the only reason for living, beloved son.
At home, the mother again lamenting his fate. So heart-rending cries, he has parted with his son. He was not allowed to visit her son, but they promised to take care of the children. Between sobs, she did not find meaning in life again. He has lost the only reason for living, beloved son.
Then the poor mother took a kitchen knife to cut her veins. But as will be done, he realized that his son might not be treated well. No, he must live to know that his son was treated well. Soon, suicidal ideation was canceled, for the sake of his son.
A year passed. The mother had moved to another place, get a better job. The child was healthy, although still undergoing medical treatment regularly every month.
A year passed. The mother had moved to another place, get a better job. The child was healthy, although still undergoing medical treatment regularly every month.
As always, the child will remember his mother's birthday. He also can earn money easily, without needing to bother collecting. So, on the day, after school, he did not come home, he immediately took a bus to the village where his mother, which took several hours. The children had prepared a flower, a letter stating he misses mom every day, a birthday card, and a very good test scores. He will give everything for the mother.
The child ran gleefully through the small alleys to his house. But when I got home, she found the house empty.
The child ran gleefully through the small alleys to his house. But when I got home, she found the house empty.
Neighbors said the mother had moved, and no one knows where she went. The child does not know what to do, he sat in front of the house, crying "I really do not want me anymore."
Meanwhile, the father's family was so worried, when the child is late coming home for more than 3 hours. School teachers said that everything had gone home. All the place was searched, but no news.
They panic. The father called his mother, who was also very surprised. Police were contacted to report the child missing.
When the mother was thinking hard, he suddenly remembered something. Today is her birthday. He was too busy to forget about it. His son might come home. So the father and the mother immediately drove to the home page. Unfortunately, they only found a birthday card, a flower, a good test scores, and a letter of his son. The mother could not hold back his tears, while reading the cute child in the letter.
Meanwhile, the father's family was so worried, when the child is late coming home for more than 3 hours. School teachers said that everything had gone home. All the place was searched, but no news.
They panic. The father called his mother, who was also very surprised. Police were contacted to report the child missing.
When the mother was thinking hard, he suddenly remembered something. Today is her birthday. He was too busy to forget about it. His son might come home. So the father and the mother immediately drove to the home page. Unfortunately, they only found a birthday card, a flower, a good test scores, and a letter of his son. The mother could not hold back his tears, while reading the cute child in the letter.
It was getting dark. They are busy looking around the village, without any instructions. The mother was getting restless. The mother then burn incense, kneeling before the altar of Goddess Kuan Im, he tearfully begged to be able to find his son.As guidance, the mother suddenly remembered that he and his son had gone to a temple in the village. His mother once said, that if you need help, ask the Almighty God of compassion. God will definitely help you, if you are good intentions.His mother predicted that her son might go to the temple to beg in order to meet with him.Sure enough, it turns out the boy was there. But he collapsed, his fever was very high. The father carried his son to be rushed to the hospital. As I descended the stairs of the temple, the mother fell down the stairs, fell and rolled down.Ten years have passed. Now the child has entered college. He often argued with his father, on the question of his mother. Since the fall of the stairs, his mother was never found. The child has a lot to spend money to find her anywhere, but to no avail.That afternoon, as usual after the lecture, the boy walked along with his girlfriend. They look harmonious. As I drove the car, at the intersection of a street, he saw an old woman who was begging. TSB mother looks shabby, and looked with a cane. He had never seen her before. Her face crumpled, and he seemed to mumble.In the thrust of curiosity, he stopped his car, and went down with a girlfriend for the old beggar. It turns the old beggar, holding up the empty cans to ask for alms, he say with a weak "Where is my son? Have you seen my son?"The child was familiar with the old woman. Without
realizing it, he immediately sang the song "Shi Sang Ci You Mama Hau"
in a low voice, unexpectedly joined the old beggar sings in a subdued
voice. They both sing together. He
immediately recognized her voice is always singing the song when he was
small, the old beggar boy was immediately embraced and cried with
emotion "Mom? It's my mother".The old beggar was shocked, she fumbled the child's face, then asked,"Are you? .. (Child's name)?" "Yes ma'am, I am a mother of children".Both also hugged her tightly, tears mingling both wet earth.A
fall from a ladder, the mother who banged his head into memory loss,
but he is every day for ten years continued to look for her child,
regardless of the circumstances themselves. Some people regard it as a madman.This story is for us to reflect together:In critical condition, our mothers would do anything for us. She even willing to sacrifice his life. Consider the following fragment of prayer despair, when she was young, or when she is old:1. My son was a child, his future is still long. Oh God, take me instead.2. I am old, O GOD, take me instead.Among
the people around you, you know, your siblings, among more than 6
billion human beings, who are willing to sacrifice his life for you,
anytime, anywhere, in any way.No doubt "Our mother is the most honorable in this world".
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