Once Ahmad bin Poor living with his wife and small children. Troubles plagued her constantly. No work is done. One night, after a day of no single piece of food into his stomach, his heart was restless and could not sleep. His heart was sore as a rumbling stomach. Like the soldier who lost the war, he was lethargic, weak, weak, and there was no hope. His son was crying all day, because there was no milk from his wife who are hungry. It's poverty makes it very miserable. The thought of him to sell the house they occupy.
The next day, after morning prayer in congregation and prays, he met his friend Abdullah as-Sayyad. "O 'Abdullah! Can you lend me a few dirhams for this day. I want to sell my house. Later after selling will I change, "said Ahmad.
"O Ahmad. . . Take this package and go home to your family! I'll catch up to the house that you bring all your needs, "said Abdullah quickly. Ahmad then went back home as he continues thoughtfully to sell his house. Really hurts when I should sell the house only, just to eat. "After that, I will live where," mused Ahmad.
Ahmad soon established his pace. Now he brings the food parcels for families. Of course his wife and son would be happy to laugh funny after obtaining milk. "It felt delicious bread wrapped in this course. Abdullah was a very generous friend, my true friend, "sighed Ahmad.
Not until halfway, suddenly a woman with a baby in her arms looked with pity. "Sir, give us food. For several days we had not eaten. These children are starving orphans, please. May Allah swt. Lord have mercy, "wailed the mother.
Iba Ahmad liver flavor. He looked at babies who held her. Visible face of the withering, pale famine. The face of hope for mercy. Indeed weld, Ahmad could not look at him for long. Compared to my family, maybe more mothers and children in need. "I'll be looking for other food for my family," Ahmad thought. "It take a bu. . . I have no others, may be easier for you. If only I had another way I'll help you more, "Ahmad said, handing him the package he had not been touched.
Two tear drops fall from the eyes of the mother, "Thank you. . . Thank you sir. It's been the host and may God help us return the favor by hosting a huge response, "the mother thanked and bowed respectfully. Ahmad was then continued our journey.
He rested against the tree trunk as he contemplated his fate. However, he again remembered that his friend Abdullah has promised to come bring your exit. And Abdullah had never broken a promise though. Then he hurried home, feeling anxious. On the way he ran with his best friend Abdullah.
"O Ahmad wherever you are, 'said Abdullah wheezing. "I looked, the impression here. I came to your house that I promised to bring your needs. However, amid the trip I met with a merchant with a fully laden camel. He wants to meet your father. She said your father ever gave a loan 30 years ago. After the fall up to trade, now he has become a great merchant in Basrah. Now he will return the loan money, benefits and rewards, "said Abdullah. "Now go home soon Ahmad! Many treasures waiting for you. You need not sell the house again, "said Abdullah.
Absurdly shocked to hear the words of his friend Abdullah Ahmad. Indeed he did not believe the words.
"Is it true that Abdullah, right?" Ahmad asked hesitantly. So, he ran like a fly, back to his house. Since then, Ahmad became a wealthy man in his town.
Ahmad likes to do good, let alone his friend Abdullah. One night he dreamed. It seems when judged by the deeds of the angels. So first of all, sin and guilt weighed. His face was pale. What is the weight of its sins. "Do good deeds done may exceed those sins?" Ahmad thought.
Slowly his good deeds are weighed. Reward of five thousand dirhams in charity with only mild-mild. The word angel because it had to be cut by the arrogance and riya. And so on. It turned out that all deeds still could not offset the weight of sin which he did. Ahmad cried.
The angels asked, "Were there a charity that has not weighed?" "There," said another angel. "There, two more good deeds."
The next day, after morning prayer in congregation and prays, he met his friend Abdullah as-Sayyad. "O 'Abdullah! Can you lend me a few dirhams for this day. I want to sell my house. Later after selling will I change, "said Ahmad.
"O Ahmad. . . Take this package and go home to your family! I'll catch up to the house that you bring all your needs, "said Abdullah quickly. Ahmad then went back home as he continues thoughtfully to sell his house. Really hurts when I should sell the house only, just to eat. "After that, I will live where," mused Ahmad.
Ahmad soon established his pace. Now he brings the food parcels for families. Of course his wife and son would be happy to laugh funny after obtaining milk. "It felt delicious bread wrapped in this course. Abdullah was a very generous friend, my true friend, "sighed Ahmad.
Not until halfway, suddenly a woman with a baby in her arms looked with pity. "Sir, give us food. For several days we had not eaten. These children are starving orphans, please. May Allah swt. Lord have mercy, "wailed the mother.
Iba Ahmad liver flavor. He looked at babies who held her. Visible face of the withering, pale famine. The face of hope for mercy. Indeed weld, Ahmad could not look at him for long. Compared to my family, maybe more mothers and children in need. "I'll be looking for other food for my family," Ahmad thought. "It take a bu. . . I have no others, may be easier for you. If only I had another way I'll help you more, "Ahmad said, handing him the package he had not been touched.
Two tear drops fall from the eyes of the mother, "Thank you. . . Thank you sir. It's been the host and may God help us return the favor by hosting a huge response, "the mother thanked and bowed respectfully. Ahmad was then continued our journey.
He rested against the tree trunk as he contemplated his fate. However, he again remembered that his friend Abdullah has promised to come bring your exit. And Abdullah had never broken a promise though. Then he hurried home, feeling anxious. On the way he ran with his best friend Abdullah.
"O Ahmad wherever you are, 'said Abdullah wheezing. "I looked, the impression here. I came to your house that I promised to bring your needs. However, amid the trip I met with a merchant with a fully laden camel. He wants to meet your father. She said your father ever gave a loan 30 years ago. After the fall up to trade, now he has become a great merchant in Basrah. Now he will return the loan money, benefits and rewards, "said Abdullah. "Now go home soon Ahmad! Many treasures waiting for you. You need not sell the house again, "said Abdullah.
Absurdly shocked to hear the words of his friend Abdullah Ahmad. Indeed he did not believe the words.
"Is it true that Abdullah, right?" Ahmad asked hesitantly. So, he ran like a fly, back to his house. Since then, Ahmad became a wealthy man in his town.
Ahmad likes to do good, let alone his friend Abdullah. One night he dreamed. It seems when judged by the deeds of the angels. So first of all, sin and guilt weighed. His face was pale. What is the weight of its sins. "Do good deeds done may exceed those sins?" Ahmad thought.
Slowly his good deeds are weighed. Reward of five thousand dirhams in charity with only mild-mild. The word angel because it had to be cut by the arrogance and riya. And so on. It turned out that all deeds still could not offset the weight of sin which he did. Ahmad cried.
The angels asked, "Were there a charity that has not weighed?" "There," said another angel. "There, two more good deeds."
Apparently one of them is bread given to orphans and their mothers. Ahmad pucatlah increasingly face. "How could a practice that can balance the weight of his sins," he complained. Angels busy weighing the bread. However, when weighed, the scales were immediately lifted. How heavy the weight of that practice. Ahmad scales now remain balanced. His face was calm sedikiti. He was excited, really out of his hunch.
"But the practice remains much less? Since this is still balanced, "he told himself.
Then two angels bring tears of gratitude and moved by means of maternal orphans Ahmad. Ahmad did not think that the tears of orphans mothers was assessed with the reward for him. He was grateful. The angels were weighing the tear drops. However, all of a sudden two drops of tears turned into a flood wave and extends like a sea. And from it emerged the big fish. Then the angel fish catch and weigh the good deeds are synchronized with Ahmad.
When a fish touches the scales, such as the mechanics are very heavy weights, scales immediately gravitate towards goodness. "He survived, he survived," came the cry of the angels. Ahmad Gembiralah liver.
"If I were selfish, and his own family, then there is the weight of loaves and fishes," Ahmad pensive joy. Orphan, and her mother's who had saved him. At that time Ahmad woke from a dream.
Brothers and sisters, was a sincere charity in the middle of narrow, high-value in the eyes of Allah swt.
Hopefully this story can have a purpose for us all, aamiin ...
"But the practice remains much less? Since this is still balanced, "he told himself.
Then two angels bring tears of gratitude and moved by means of maternal orphans Ahmad. Ahmad did not think that the tears of orphans mothers was assessed with the reward for him. He was grateful. The angels were weighing the tear drops. However, all of a sudden two drops of tears turned into a flood wave and extends like a sea. And from it emerged the big fish. Then the angel fish catch and weigh the good deeds are synchronized with Ahmad.
When a fish touches the scales, such as the mechanics are very heavy weights, scales immediately gravitate towards goodness. "He survived, he survived," came the cry of the angels. Ahmad Gembiralah liver.
"If I were selfish, and his own family, then there is the weight of loaves and fishes," Ahmad pensive joy. Orphan, and her mother's who had saved him. At that time Ahmad woke from a dream.
Brothers and sisters, was a sincere charity in the middle of narrow, high-value in the eyes of Allah swt.
Hopefully this story can have a purpose for us all, aamiin ...
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