Never Too Grieving for Disaster

O my brother ... 
Maybe now you're plagued by griefBut it should not cause you to go on long 
O my brother ... 
Remember, our condition does not always have the loveSometimes it will feel sorrowJoy and sorrow will continue to change in our lives 
O my brother ... 
God is so good destinyIf we view from one side may feel uncomfortableBut let's view from the other side, God had another purpose of the best 
O my brother ..
.Is not your Prophet-peace 'alaihi wa sallam, said,ما يصيب المسلم من نصب ولا وصب ولا هم ولا حزن ولا أذى ولا غم حتى الشوكة يشاكها, إلا كفر الله بها من خطاياهIt is not a Muslim, a weariness and illness struck (that continues to happen), fears and sadness, and the disruption and hardship nor even a thorn that wounded him, but God will wipe away the errors. [1]Notice how the promise RabbmuYour sins will fall one by oneSo do not be sad ...فإن مع العسر يسرا"
Verily after difficulty there is relief." (Surah Alam Nasyroh: 5) 
Beyond the difficulty there is ease with which so manyBecause of the difficulties it is impossible to beat two of the easeSo do not be sad ...
 وأن النصر مع الصبر 
 "Verily, the help will come with patience" [2]Way out so close to the cautiousRelief comes when one's easy to be patientSo do not be sad ...Keep the liver, oral and limb of the complaining.
Ridholah with divine destiny.
Make the patient as a way to achieve relief. 
The more mature the self-disaster.
 The disaster in Allah ennobleFurther test the faith of one's misfortune 
Hopefully God made fast the storm passed 
Hopefully God made himself to be a patient 
Hopefully God's reply to those who are patient with Jannah

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