In every intention the important thing is sincerity. The meaning of sincerity is to beautify the worship or good deeds for God alone and His keridloan expect. Sincerely means air-purifying purpose taqarrub to God Almighty. of the things that pollute.
Is a condition of receipt of a sincere good deeds carried out in accordance with the sunnah of the Messenger of Allah .. Allah swt. has said, "And nothing but that they were ordered to serve Allah with sincere upright, straight religion." (Surat Al-Bayyinah: 5).
This verse explains that the worship of Allah, we have to actually implement it with a sincere worship to Him ridlo expect. Worship is not confined to the main worship (mahdloh) alone, such as prayer, fasting, zakat, etc.; but also any good deeds of worship other than the principal (ghoiru mahdloh), such as working to feed their families, learn to understand the law religious laws, and others. Any good deeds that we have carried out sincerely for Allah.
A servant only be saved from the temptations of Satan with sincerity. Allah swt. say, the devil said in a statement, "Unless your servants who always sincere." (Surah Shad: 83). Heart full of sincerity will save yourself from slipping or collapsed because of the temptation the devil, because the devil and the devil will not be able to influence people willing to participate with them.
Is a condition of receipt of a sincere good deeds carried out in accordance with the sunnah of the Messenger of Allah .. Allah swt. has said, "And nothing but that they were ordered to serve Allah with sincere upright, straight religion." (Surat Al-Bayyinah: 5).
This verse explains that the worship of Allah, we have to actually implement it with a sincere worship to Him ridlo expect. Worship is not confined to the main worship (mahdloh) alone, such as prayer, fasting, zakat, etc.; but also any good deeds of worship other than the principal (ghoiru mahdloh), such as working to feed their families, learn to understand the law religious laws, and others. Any good deeds that we have carried out sincerely for Allah.
A servant only be saved from the temptations of Satan with sincerity. Allah swt. say, the devil said in a statement, "Unless your servants who always sincere." (Surah Shad: 83). Heart full of sincerity will save yourself from slipping or collapsed because of the temptation the devil, because the devil and the devil will not be able to influence people willing to participate with them.
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