Imam Muslim in Shahihnya, and also the writer of the Sunnah has narrated a story of repentance is the most powerful known to man. One day the Messenger
sitting in the mosque, while his companions sat around him. He taught, educate and purify (hearts).
The council has met the companions of the Prophet.
sitting in the mosque, while his companions sat around him. He taught, educate and purify (hearts).
The council has met the companions of the Prophet.
Suddenly there came a woman's hijab into the door of the mosque. Then the Apostle was silent, and still are his companions.
The woman is facing up slowly, he walked with great trepidation and fear, he threw all human judgment and reasoning, he forget the disgrace and ugliness, no fear of man, or a human eye and what will be said by man.
The woman is facing up slowly, he walked with great trepidation and fear, he threw all human judgment and reasoning, he forget the disgrace and ugliness, no fear of man, or a human eye and what will be said by man.
Until he came to the Messenger of Allah, then he stood before him, and told him that he had committed adultery!
He said: "O Messenger of Allah, I have done (which requires the existence of immorality) sentence had (me), then cleanse me!"
He said: "O Messenger of Allah, I have done (which requires the existence of immorality) sentence had (me), then cleanse me!"
What is done by the Prophet?!
Did he ask for testimony from friends of the woman?
No, his face flushed even it was almost dripping with blood. Then he directed his face towards the right, and silent, as if he did not hear anything. Prophet tried to make her withdraw her words, but she was a special woman, a woman who shalihah, a woman who has stuck his faith in his heart. Then the Prophet said to him: "Go on, until you gave it birth."
Did he ask for testimony from friends of the woman?
No, his face flushed even it was almost dripping with blood. Then he directed his face towards the right, and silent, as if he did not hear anything. Prophet tried to make her withdraw her words, but she was a special woman, a woman who shalihah, a woman who has stuck his faith in his heart. Then the Prophet said to him: "Go on, until you gave it birth."
Month after month went by, she is pregnant with her son for 9 months, then she gave birth. So on the first day of parturition, he too came to take her child who was covered with a cloth and said: "O Allah, cleanse me from the sin of adultery, this is it, I've given birth, then cleanse me, O Messenger of Allah!"
Then the Prophet saw the woman's child, while his heart was torn apart because of pain and sadness, because of his affection turn against those who commit adultery.
Who will feed the baby if the mother dies? Who will take care of your exit if you had (punishment) is established on the mother?
Then the Prophet said: "Go home, Breastfeed him, so if you have been weaning, come back to me."
Then the Prophet said: "Go home, Breastfeed him, so if you have been weaning, come back to me."
Then she went away to her family, she feed her child, and not increase his faith in his heart but his determination, as firmly mountain. Years rolled turned into years. Then she came to take her child who was holding the bread. he
said: "O Messenger of Allah, I have been weaning, then cleanse me!"
said: "O Messenger of Allah, I have been weaning, then cleanse me!"
He and the situation really is amazing! What kind of faith that made him do so. Three years more or less, which is thus not add to it except the power of faith.
The Prophet took the child, as though he divide the hearts of women between the stomach. However, this is the commandment of God, justice sky, the truth that her life would be straight.
The Prophet said: "Who mengkafil (care) of this child, then he is in heaven my friend like this ..." Then he ordered her to be stoned.
In a tradition that the Prophet ordered that she be stoned, then he menshalatinya. Umar then said: "You prayed to her, O Prophet of Allah, indeed he had committed adultery." Then he said:
"Indeed he has repented with a repentance, if repentance were distributed to 70 people from the people of Medina, then repentance would be inadequate. Do you have a greater than repentance sacrifice himself for God? "(Narrated by Ahmad)
Surely this is the fear of God. Indeed it is a constant fear that women themselves are at the believer when he fell into the snare-snare Satan, he said the noose-trap at weak. Yes, he has sinned, but he
standing of his sin with a heart full of faith and spirit which is driven by the heat of the immoral. Yes, he has sinned, but has stood in his place against the Essence of his exaltation to his adulterous. Indeed this is true repentance, O servants of Allah.
Yes, this repentance nashuha O servants of Allah.
standing of his sin with a heart full of faith and spirit which is driven by the heat of the immoral. Yes, he has sinned, but has stood in his place against the Essence of his exaltation to his adulterous. Indeed this is true repentance, O servants of Allah.
Yes, this repentance nashuha O servants of Allah.
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