In a reunion, some graduates find their first school teacher. See the alumni are busy talking about their success, the teacher immediately to the kitchen and pick up a pot of hot coffee and a cup of coffee that is different. Starting from a cup made of crystal, glass, plastic and melamine. The teacher asked the alumni to take a cup and fill it with coffee.
After each alumnus had filled his cup with coffee, the teacher said, "Notice that all of you choose a good cup and now all that remains is a cup of cheap and unattractive. Choosing the best thing is fair and humane. But the problem is, when you do not get a great cup of your feelings began to fail. you automatically see the cup held by someone else and start comparing. your mind focused on the cup, when what you enjoy, but not his cup of coffee. "our life is like coffee in the above analogy, while the cup is a job, position, and possessions we have. The moral, do not ever let a cup of coffee that we enjoy influence.
The cup is not the main, the quality of coffee that's what counts. Do not think that wealth is abundant, a great career and a steady job is the guarantee of happiness. That concept is very wrong. The quality of our lives is determined by the "What's in the" not "What is visible from the outside". What's the point we have everything, but we never feel peace, joy, and happiness in our lives? It was very sad, because we enjoy it just as stale coffee is served in a crystal cup luxurious and expensive. "The key to enjoying a nice cup of coffee is not how, but how good the quality of the coffee." ..... Enjoy a cup of coffee.
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