Know the symptoms and prevention of AIDS

AIDS is a deadly disease that has no cure. The disease attacks the human immune system. AIDS or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is a collection of symptoms and infections that occur because of damage to the human immune system caused by infection with HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus).

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a virus that attacks the human immune system. So, if you are infected with HIV, the immune system will be weakened so that people infected with HIV are prone to infections and susceptible tumor oportunistik. The development of the HIV virus can be slowed, but AIDS has no cure although much research has been done to find a cure of this deadly disease.

Generally, the HIV virus is transmitted through direct contact between the layers of the skin or the bloodstream with a bodily fluid containing HIV virus. Body fluids that mediates this virus include blood, semen, and breast milk. Transmission of the HIV virus can be through sexual intercourse, blood transfusion, contaminated hypodermic needles, the relationship between mother and child during pregnancy, and other forms of contact involving the body fluids.

Scientists believe that HIV / AIDS originated from the African region. In fact, the World Health Organization WHO (World Health Organization) confirms that the HIV / AIDS epidemic is one of the most deadly diseases in the history of human life. Harga Samsung Galaxy V Seken

Symptoms and Complications of HIV / AIDS

People who are infected with HIV / AIDS are susceptible to opportunistic infections. HIV / AIDS will affect nearly every organ of the human body. People with HIV / AIDS will be hit by risk of cancers such as Kaposi's sarcoma, cervical cancer and cancers of the body
immunity system known as lymphomas.

In general, people with HIV / AIDS have systemic symptoms of infection, such as fever, sweats (particularly at night), swollen glands, chills, weakness, and weight loss. Meanwhile, opportunistic infections suffered by people with HIV / AIDS depend on the frequency of occurrence of an infection is the geographic area of
​​HIV / AIDS live. Harga Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime Seken

Transmission of HIV / AIDS

People who are infected with HIV / AIDS often referred PLWHA or people with HIV / AIDS. HIV / AIDS is not spread through social ties, such as shaking hands, touching, communicating, and other forms of interaction without involving fluids. HIV / AIDS is only transmitted through sexual contact (multiple partners) who are infected with HIV / AIDS, through hypodermic needles that are not sterile, containing blood transfusion HIV / AIDS, and through pregnant women to their babies while still in the womb, when childbirth, or through breast milk.

Handling HIV / AIDS

Until now, there is no vaccine or cure for the disease
heal HIV / AIDS. So, in order to avoid HIV / AIDS, sex and turn away from sharing needles alternately. However, there are ways to deal with HIV / AIDS. You do this by Antivirus Therapy.

Antiviral therapy is a way of dealing with HIV / AIDS for which is done by highly active antiretroviral therapy (highly active antiretroviral therapy). However, that was found in 1996 is very useful for people with HIV / AIDS. This therapy allows the stability of symptoms and the amount of virus in the blood, but can not cure HIV / AIDS.

Social Law

In general, social law for people with HIV / AIDS heavier than other deadly diseases. Forms of social punishment for people with HIV / AIDS, among others actions exile, rejection, discrimination and avoidance of people with HIV / AIDS.

This happens because the views are people who argue that HIV / AIDS is transmitted because of illicit sex (promiscuity) and sharing needles (injecting drugs). Harga HP Terbaru It is a cause of social enactment of laws for people with HIV / AIDS.

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