Four Lessons Fajr Prayer

In the Quran, every Muslim is recommended to sleep early and wake up early dawn. In the history of the Prophet Muhammad's that says which means:

"Bless my Ummah in at dawn". And another word "two rekaat before dawn prayer is better than the world and everything in it" recognizes just how much of contemporary science and the magnificence of wisdom and avail
I wake up to morning prayers for health. Among these are as follows:

1. Levels of ozone (O) in air is higher when the dawn. Then slowly, the levels are reduced by shrinking it further when the sun rises. Recently in saying that the ozone gas, which is one of the oxygen contained in the highest layers of the atmosphere that protects Earth from harmful solar rays, will fall to the ground surface at dawn, then go up to as the rising sun.

The doctors were surprised and amazed when they find out the effect in providing therapeutic treatment that is amazing.
Ozone also can cure all physical and mental illness without any side effects. This gas has a very good effect to enable the performance of nerve and brain and muscle. He made the human brain and muscle activity in the early morning.
It is also stressed that the injection of ozone can increase keatifan for the body and bring a sense of happiness and peace. Therefore, a person will feel the freshness of fresh air when he was in the morning that the call with an east wind that was so delicious and unequaled, either at the time of day or night.
2. When the sun rose, the color is more inclined to red. Apparently, the colors are so influence the workings of the brain's neurons are also encouraged to be active and moving. As greater levels of ultraviolet light when the sun rose, the rays which support the body to make vitamin D which is useful for body growth.
3. Waking up early can reduce the length of sleep. It is clear that people who sleep in a long time in one time, will likely suffer from heart disease. In particular, anthrosclerosis disease resulting tightness in the chest. This is caused nothing but bed rest is total.
If someone is sleeping too long will reduce fatty substances in the walls of arteries, veins in the lining of the heart. Perhaps one of the factors to cope with the disease in the artery wall is like the word of God: "And those who through the night prostrating and standing to their Lord" (Al-Furqan: 64) here described by God to pray to prevent sleep length.
4. Scientifically confirmed that the highest levels of cortisone in the blood when the dawn, which can reach 7-22 micrograms per 100 miliplasma. While the lowest levels occurred in the afternoon, which is 7 micrograms per 100 miliplasma. As already in the know, cortisone is active substances that increase the activity of the body and enable movement in general. It also can increase blood sugar levels in the energy required to add weight.
Therefore we can conclude that a Muslim who committed to the teachings of the Qur'an is a very tough man. He woke up early and greet the new day with enthusiasm, so he performed the daily duties at the beginning of the afternoon. This is caused, the condition of the brain potentials psychologist and his muscles are in top shape. We can imagine that if the commitment has been a common character, it will be born to Muslim community is unique and special. One is that life originated keistimewaanya since the dawn of time. Most holy God the supreme.
(excerpt from the book of Al tadawi prayer works bi al Hasan bin Ahmad bin Hammam et. al)

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