How to Prevent Diabetes and Heart disease

This info is very important for colleagues who are still young, you know heart disease, right??? or diabetes??? Of course no one wants to suffer .. well .... there is a very easy tips to avoid diabetes and heart disease, which is a vegetarian ....

A study showed that vegetarians have a lower risk of developing diabetes and heart disease.

The study involved 700 people, get the results that a vegetarian diet has a tendency to lower risk of diabetes and heart disease. Metabolic syndrome is a risk factor for heart disease and diabetes was found in 23 people of 100 vegetarians, 39 people of the 100 non-vegetarians and 37 people out of 100 people semi-Vegetarian.

Nahh .... for colleagues who do not want to suffer from diabetes or heart disease, there is no harm if we start now to reduce the consumption of meat and increase consumption of fruits and vegetables, and when it's ready why not try to follow a vegetarian diet.

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