Treating drug addiction is not easy. Because of its weight, addicts can even go back again entangled despite drug therapy. Various therapies also are offered to eliminate the habit of eating these addictive stuff.
If you really want to heal, addicts must first strengthen the determination and certainly left his old neighborhood. But sometimes willpower alone is not enough to be freed from the bondage of opiate drugs.
Most addicts need help to be able to eliminate the effects of therapeutic drugs that have already damaging the system in the brain.
"The therapies are of different kinds, some from medical, non-medical and spiritual," said Dr. Alexander Hukom, Secretary General of the Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa (YCAB)
Communities are generally familiar with rehabilitation therapy for the treatment of drug addiction. But Dr. Iskandar said not all addicts could effectively stop the habit just to rehab and hospitalization.
Sometimes rehab can actually bring harm to addicts, especially those who use drugs only as a social user (for social reasons).
If you really want to heal, addicts must first strengthen the determination and certainly left his old neighborhood. But sometimes willpower alone is not enough to be freed from the bondage of opiate drugs.
Most addicts need help to be able to eliminate the effects of therapeutic drugs that have already damaging the system in the brain.
"The therapies are of different kinds, some from medical, non-medical and spiritual," said Dr. Alexander Hukom, Secretary General of the Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa (YCAB)
Communities are generally familiar with rehabilitation therapy for the treatment of drug addiction. But Dr. Iskandar said not all addicts could effectively stop the habit just to rehab and hospitalization.
Sometimes rehab can actually bring harm to addicts, especially those who use drugs only as a social user (for social reasons).
"Not all addicts should be rehabilitated, because it is identical to inpatient rehabilitation. Could be treated with outpatient home with strict rules. Sometimes a negative impact even hospitalization, especially for the social user entered rehab because that is usually the hardcore, he might in fact contaminated, "said Dr. Alexander.
So according to Dr. Iskandar, before putting addicts into rehab, the assessment needs to be done over and over and could not hit rate for all addicts.
According to Dr. Iskandar, there are several drug therapies on offer in Indonesia, among others:
1. Medical Therapy
Medical therapy is usually done by giving patients drugs that can reduce the effects of withdrawal in addicts, coupled with supportive psychotherapy and counseling.
2. Non-medical therapy or spiritual
"There is such thing as 12-step programs. Program is known in America in the 50's when a lot of people who are addicted to drugs, alcohol, tobacco, gambling, pornography. At each step the addict invited to hold and every step was also evacuated continuously by a mentor. Upon to-12 step is completed, will be repeated again from the beginning, "said Dr. Alexander.
In addition to 12-step treatment programs, there is also a therapeutic community (community therapy). This therapy is also introduced in this country in 60 or 70's, when many prisons that unites addict cases between addicts and dealers.
"Addicts and dealers can not be together, because it might the addict even more contaminated," said Dr. Alexander.
The principle of this therapy is 'from us for us'. So in a therapy, addicts will make their own rules which will be applied by the addict-addict. Later developments will be monitored from the recap addicts center.
"This is the most widely applied. But usually their parlors will use a modified therapy," said Dr. Alexander.
3. Alternative Therapy
In addition to medical and non-medical therapies or spiritual, there are alternative therapies. Examples boiled therapy patients who are in Purbalingga, Central Java.
Drug treatment performed or Ustadz Maulana Ahmad Ichsan Ichsan (38) somewhat extreme and unique. Therapy is done by boiling the patients in the drum on top of the stove. Harga HP Lenovo A7000 Tahun 2014
Ways in which the management of the Foundation for Islamic Education Ichsan Nurul Al-Islami Al-Shifa Legoksari Ridlo in Hamlet, Village Karangsari, District Kalimanah, Purbalingga, Central Java is done like a boil corn, beans or cassava. The difference is not closed drum therapy, but left open.
Ustadz dubbed this godog Kyai initially heats the water in the drum at chest height. Once the water is boiling, the water will be given the ingredients and yeast tempeh. Harga HP Lenovo A6000 Tahun 2014 Then the water mixed with water Tawassul.
To reassure the patient, ustdaz and his wife will give examples alternately soaking in the drum. After the patient was stable patients into the water next turn.
During the boiling process, ie 30 minutes, the patient will be sitting on a small chair. The Kyai asked to remain calm or no fear. Not far from the drum was turned on the television to be watched by the patient during the boil. The goal is that the patient feels enjoy a soak. It's when the panic, the water is treated special kind of prayer is hot.
According to the cleric, dubbed Kyai godog, the hot water was warm by the patient. How to boil the cleric said was an attempt to remove toxins or poisons from the body of the patient.
He said patients who experienced ecstasy dependence and right-handed would be boiled four to five times. For shabu-shabu addicts can be boiled up to eight times. The hardest part was addicted to heroin because it will be soaked up to 15 times.
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