Memory lost 17 Years, Young Women was finally cured
Isma'il bin Yahya al-Kufy said, "I have a sister but troubled soul, memories are lost and aloof. He finally 'quarantined' in an attic room which is located at the corner. He stayed there for over 13 years. One night while I was asleep in the middle of the night, a sudden knock on the door of my house. Then I asked, 'Who is this?.' He said, 'Kajjah.' 'You are my brother?,' Interrupted me. He replied, 'Yes, brother.' Then I opened the door for him and when he went in for over 10 years, he was not familiar with the ins and outs of the house again. He recalled, "Last night I was someone coming in my sleep, and then said to me, 'Verily, Allah has kept the father, Isma'il as Salamah, your grandfather. And take care of you because of your father, Isma'il. Now you just select; ask God to this illness vanish or be patient and the reward of heaven because Abu Bakr and 'Umar had asked syafa'at to God for you because your father and grandfather's love to them. "Then I would I choose to be patient for this condition as long as a paradise. But Allah is His mercy area over all His creatures, not one that feels great for him. If He wills; He would combine those two things at once untukkku choice. "Then one said, 'Truly Allah has combined those two things for you and have Ridla thanks to the love of your father and grandfather are both against Abu Bakr RA and Umar RA. Get up and come down. 'Then God remove all these years diseases that have accompanied it. "** Narrators of this story was one of the Tsiqaat, came from Kufa. See, the book at-Tahdziib, Jld.IV, hal.155. True, Allah will keep his servant keshalihannya thanks to the children and grandchildren after his death, as mentioned in the word of God, "Who's the father of two is a righteous" (Quran, al-Kahf: 82); they (orphans in verse, Ed.,) is maintained thanks to their father keshalihan.
(SOURCE: ash-Syifaa `Ba'da Ibrahim al-Maradl paper bin 'Abdullah al-Hazimy, p.32-33, no.9 as the dinukilnya of FII Iqtibaas Nuur al-an-Nabiyy Misykaah Washiyyah Li Ibn' Abbas's work al-Hafiz Ibn Rajab al-Hanbaly, p.33-34)
(SOURCE: ash-Syifaa `Ba'da Ibrahim al-Maradl paper bin 'Abdullah al-Hazimy, p.32-33, no.9 as the dinukilnya of FII Iqtibaas Nuur al-an-Nabiyy Misykaah Washiyyah Li Ibn' Abbas's work al-Hafiz Ibn Rajab al-Hanbaly, p.33-34)
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