Misuse of Drugs

Misuse of Drugs
Adolescence part of a continuous growth process, the transition from childhood into young adulthood. At this time of transition susceptible adolescents are having problems as well as high-risk behavior, such as abuse and drug addiction, alcohol and addictive substances, premarital sex, violence, suicide, and others. Found four cases of abuse / dependence on narcotics, alcohol and addictive substances, which occur in adolescence. The four patients using the drug among initially because I wanted to try and be given free of charge, which then ultimately they are dependent on the drug or substance. The four were using various types of drugs that the average starting from marijuana, to heroin or putaw. When they use heroin, they use shared needles, which are used interchangeably. There are two people who are HIV positive and hepatitis C. The role of pediatricians is prevention so that teenagers do not fall into the abuse of NAZA. Prevention of misuse of NAZA divided into three conditions, namely: primary prevention, which aims to prevent a person to refrain from abuse; secondary prevention aims to identify the abuse as early as possible, and stop the abuse; tertiary prevention aims to stop or hamper for sekuele gained from such a small abandoned abuse possible.
Impact of Drug-Abuse
, If misused, such as abbreviation word (drugs: narcotics and drugs / hazardous materials), it is dangerous to humans.
Drugs can damage human health, both physical, emotional, and behavioral wearer.

1. The impact of drugs on the physical

Drug users will experience physical disturbances as follows:
1. His weight will come down drastically.
2. His eyes will look sunken and red.
3. His face was pale.
4. His lips became blackish.
5. Her hands were filled with red spots.
6. Bowel movements and little less smoothly.
7. Constipation or abdominal pain without any apparent reason.

2. The impact of drugs on emotion

Drug users will experience emotional changes as follows:
1. Very sensitive and easily bored.
2. If admonished or reprimanded, the user will show of defiance.
3. Emotionally unstable.
4. Loss of appetite.

3. The impact of drugs on behavior

Drug users will show the following negative behaviors:
1. Lazy
2. Often forget the responsibility
3. Rarely do routine tasks
4. Showing indifference
5. Away from family
6. Stealing money at home, school, or place of work
7. Pawn valuables at home
8. Often lonely
9. Spend time in places deserted and dark, like in the bedroom, closet, shed, or bathroom
10. The fear of the water
11. Prolonged cough and runny nose
12. Be manipulative
13. Often lied and broken a promise with a variety of reasons
14. Frequent yawning
15. Mengaluarkan excessive sweating
16. Frequent nightmares
17. Experiencing headache
18. Experiencing pain / pain in the joints of his body

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